We have had Dr. B as our pediatrician since Lex was a baby. We received a sad letter a month or so ago stating he had accepted a new position in SAN DIEGO!!! He has been the best doctor ever and I really wish he wasn't leaving. So, I just had to squeeze in an annual check-up for the kids a month or so early before he left so we could see him one more time.
The kids weren't too happy about the appointment, but it's good to get these things done.
Checking blood pressure. That's OK & kinda neat...
Two inches taller than last year. That's good...
Itchy, open back dressing gowns. Getting kinda wierd for Isabel...
This is where the shots come in. Imagine two kids, two parents, one nurse, and six needles. One kid & three needles down smoothly. Then imagine three needles, two parents, and one nurse holding down one wriggly, screaming kid (guess which one).
And suckers make it all better! Lex was brave and only flinched when he got his shots. Isabel on the other hand was screaming before the first needle even touched her skin. It didn't matter that her brother didn't cry even once. She remembered from last year what those needles felt like. Can't blame her, though. I still can't stand needles and if I didn't think the nurse would think I was crazy I'd cry just like she did :)
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