Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lesson: Letting Go

I finally just let go. Mostly out of frustration. I wasn't sure what would happen, but it turned out Lex could do this without me holding on. It was kind of lesson for me, too. Sometimes I just have to let go and let him do it on his own.

This particular lesson was learned teaching Lex how to ride his bike. Ever since last spring, I had been holding onto the back of Lex's bike trying to teach him to balance. I'd run out of steam and get frustrated. This Saturday, I decided I was too tired and gave him a good, hard push. I didn't know what would happen and I was afraid he was going to get hurt. And what would you know? He took off just like that! It was like something clicked and he became a beginning bike rider. I am so proud of him and he's very proud of himself.

Life can be funny that way. We hold on and hold on. Afraid of what will happen if we let go. And most of the time after we let go, all turns out to be just fine... sometimes even better than fine. Now if we can just teach him how to swim this summer!!



p.s. sorry for the lack of helmet. its on the "must buy this weekend" list!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Our First School Play

We got to experience our first school play for Lex tonight. It was so much fun. He's been practicing his songs since January and was really looking forward to us seeing him sing. He got to play the part of a red-eye tree frog. He sang so loud and hopped throughout the entire performance. We are very proud of him!

Showing me his tree frog "hands"

Cutest hopping tree frog ever!

I was extremely worried I was going to miss this event because Isabel's been sick for the last six days. But, we gave her some medicine and she held out through the 30 minute perfomance before she crashed again on the couch where she's taken home to these last few days. Thank you Isabel!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Last Game of the Season

To finish out the soccer season, they scheduled two games this morning. It was beautiful weather and we (Isabel & I) really enjoyed watching Lex play. He seemed to play his all today knowing it was the last of the season. His coach said Lex has really shown great improvement this year. I think his biggest improvement has been becoming more aggressive in getting the ball instead of waiting for it to come to him. We're looking forward to next season! Watching this age group is quite exciting.

The Bantam Team

Player #6

Lex really enjoys his time as goalie and made a great save today. I think it also gives him a little breather from running the field in another position. Sometimes I think he's going to run out of fuel running that fast all the time, but he never does!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dance Pictures

Today the kids had dance pictures for their classes at The Jazz Studio. Lex was simple enough to get ready. Bel on the other hand needed more time and patience. We set up snacks, drinks, toys, and entertainment so her hair could be done without much fuss. It worked!

I've enjoyed watching Lex learn new dance skills this year, but must admit that all the activities have been hard on time. There's so little of it in one day. Lex has also enjoyed the boys' hip hop class, but next year will focus only on soccer & tumbling. Lex, you have done awesome this year! We can't wait to see you perform next month with your class.

This is Bel's favorite pose lately.

And, there was a little bit of pouting...
And more pouting...

But, for the most part, though, she enjoys it!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Cousins & Lagoon

It's not every year we're able to get all the cousins together for an afternoon at Lagoon. Lex was in heaven being able to ride all the rides with them.

The first ride of the day was Rattlesnake Rapids. Needless to say, no one came off the ride dry. Bel was not too happy about being wet.

This is Mike leading the troop down the tunnel to help them dry off. It didn't work very well, but they had fun!

Mike (our brother-in-law's brother) said he hadn't been to a theme park in years so he was having just as much fun as the kids were. Thanks Mike for going on all the "tummy turning" rides with Lex for us!
Cassie was oh so prepared for those mid-afternoon kid munchies. Thanks for the food, Cass!

Bel's Favorite~ the classic carousel!

Mother's Day

"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path."
-- Agatha Christie
*Photo courtesy of new camera (Nikon S8000= AWESOME) for mother's day... thank you Shane!!
The "Un-Breakfast in Bed"
Family love!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Lex, My Little Man

Lex also had a big change today. After 7 years of the same hairstyle (give or take a few tweaks), I told him he could cut it any way he'd like to this spring/summer. I figured after the major cut Isabel had, I might as well get this emotional rollercoaster of hair changes done in one day. I took him in this time and watched as curls were cut and then fell to the floor. Yes, I cried. I loved his longer hair, but Lex felt it was too "girl" like. Shane and I decided that who are we to make him have his hair one way when this was how he felt... and he's old enough to decide for himself how his hair should be. So, this is what he wanted and I am happy for him because he is happy. He loves it!

From Toddler to Little Girl

Isabel & I have struggled with her hair for awhile now. It was beautifully long and I adored it along with everyone else who saw it. But, I decided that the struggle and her unhappiness was no longer worth the length. So, sadly we had about 6-7 inches cut off today. Shane took her while I was at work and I know I would have cried had I been there. But, I saw her this afternoon and her hair is still as beautiful as it was before. I think Isabel & I are both very happy with the results.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Married to Mr. Bug

With the rain we've been having, we were not able to work on the front yard this weekend. So, I thought I'd share what Shane does with his spare time. Every few weeks he has to clean out cages... tarantula cages! This is what my kitchen gets to see. Four cages with four different types of tarantulas. Oh joy!

Some background. The tarantula usually eat crickets and once in awhile a praying mantis from the yard. Well, one day I brought one home and Shane & Lex decided to keep it as another pet. It died, but not before laying three cocoons. Shane thought it would be neat to see what would happen to them. Well, last week they hatched and we now have hundreds of them in a little cage.

It took some coaxing to get Isabel to hold one, but she did and liked it. Daddy's girl for sure!

About Me

My photo
Shane and I met my senior year of high school in 1996 and were married in 2000. It's just crazy to think we've known each other for more than a decade and still learn new things about each other. We both graduated from the University of Utah. I have a degree in Finance and Shane has a degree in Biology. We are both enjoying jobs in our respective fields. Our favorite thing to do is travel. Before we started a family, we spent two weeks in Europe touring Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and France. We want to see the world and hopefully take our children along with us when they are older. Our children are our life. Alexander "Lex" is our little man at 7 years old. He loves to try lots of new things. He's currently enrolled in soccer, tumbling & boys' hip hop. Isabel (or Bel as Shane likes to call her) is 3 1/2 years old. She is also enrolled in tumbling & dance. All in all, life is wonderful and we couldn't be happier.