Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The "Best Of" Washington State- Day 1

Shane & Scott have been friends since they were only eight years old. A few years ago, Scott and his family moved to Washington. We try to see each other at least once a year, but it doesn't always work out. It's been about two years since the Crooks came to visit us, so it was our turn to fly out to Washington to see them. (Warning! I took almost 300 pictures in 4 days, so this will be a four part post!)

The kids were sooo excited to be getting on an airplane again. They still remember the flight from last March (2009) and couldn't wait to get on. But, having to wake up for an early morning flight is hard on a four year old!
*This picture also saved us from wandering the long term airport parking lot when we returned as we weren't 100% sure where we left our car!

Beautiful view of Mt. Rainier from the plane

Our first stop? Why, Seattle of course! Shane & I had been to Seattle before, but it's been over 15 years for us. Shane still recognized a gift shop along the pier, so we stopped in to take a look. It was also a nice break to get away from the cold! We were not as prepared as we could have been for the chilly weather. I gave the kids a little money so they could pick their own souvenirs. Lex's was a penguine necklace that reads your moods. He's worn it every day since and I'm pretty sure it's stuck on blue all the time.
What was up with the scary fish creatures on the ceiling? They looked like something from a Dr. Seuss nightmare!

First pic of all the kids together... Lex, Isabel, Dawson, and Kaytee. Lex & Dawson are less than two weeks apart in age. He's soooo tall! Thanks Steph for the candy sticks!

The Seattle Aquarium
*The favorite was getting to touch the starfish & other "feel-able" water creatures

This is an "oh-oh" according to Isabel... you know as in what sound a seal makes! It was funny because as she said "oh-oh", she clapped her hands together like a seal.

For lunch, we stopped at The Crab Pot. Yummy!

Some sort of famous rootbeer I guess. Lex liked it. And, yes, she is dipping her grapes in the ranch dressing & liked it, too!

They also had an awsome pirate shop.

After lunch, we then headed on an Argosy pier cruise. It was a nice break after a filling meal & good to get off our feet for awhile.

Isabel has caught on to the "stick your tongue out" pose...

Next, Day 2: Tolmie State Park

1 comment:

Heather said...

That looks like such a fun place to visit!!:) Always fun to get away:)

About Me

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Shane and I met my senior year of high school in 1996 and were married in 2000. It's just crazy to think we've known each other for more than a decade and still learn new things about each other. We both graduated from the University of Utah. I have a degree in Finance and Shane has a degree in Biology. We are both enjoying jobs in our respective fields. Our favorite thing to do is travel. Before we started a family, we spent two weeks in Europe touring Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and France. We want to see the world and hopefully take our children along with us when they are older. Our children are our life. Alexander "Lex" is our little man at 7 years old. He loves to try lots of new things. He's currently enrolled in soccer, tumbling & boys' hip hop. Isabel (or Bel as Shane likes to call her) is 3 1/2 years old. She is also enrolled in tumbling & dance. All in all, life is wonderful and we couldn't be happier.